Our sweet corn, the posts
on the fence are appx.
5 feet high, sos the corn is taller,,,,,
From this to this....
OH My!~!~!~!~!~!~~!
The days just fly past, and where have they gone?
Finally received all of my seeds, from my seed suppliers. Went to the "peat" place yesterday..nice stuff. There is a place in the mountains, that use to be a lake and now has dried up, it has wonderful peat.....I am going to use that for the basis of my seed starting mix. Plus, pearlite....
My Dh has installed the "furnace" and it is working VERY well.... Will start next week, hope it's not too late, but, cannot be helped this year. Everyone says, that even if ones plants are small, here when set out in April or early May, once the heat hits(in the 100's), they will catch up to the rest. We also, sectioned off 2/3 of the greenhouse, so there are nice doors to walk through and walls, instead of plastic....looks better. Now to get to all of the junk beyond the doors..argh....
Becasue I am selling to the public this year and people have requested certain types of veggies... I think I must have 60 or so kinds of heirloom and non heirloom tomatoes, also the same amount for peppers. I am going to make my Tom/Pepper patch twice as big. We have always had the water in drip under the plastic mulch, but, am going to experiment this year with different things. They seem to do soooo well, for me,so, I am cutting down on everything else. I get $2.25 per pound at the market for them. (of course, with the economy the way it is, we will see.) But, at least with veggies, one can always eat them.....!
I am going to plant Marigolds in the rows and all around the Garden again this year, did that last year, and what a difference in the bugs, not many...I spray organic and fertilize with the same.
If your using the same pots this year to plant in, be sure to wash or at least soak them, in a solution of bleach and water(2 T to 1 gal. water)...this kills anything that may be lurking to destroy your seeds or seelings.
If anyone, has a better solution than this...feel free to email me at my email....
Happy Gardening....
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